Love this post. I too read that post on emotional inputs. I have been experimenting with it this week with some good results. I like the idea of building chatbots to reinforce a positive self concept. It is amazing how deep CheerAI is at times, or perhaps the depth is a measure of our willingness to be open to the process. Same difference really. There is an element of the poetic justice in what you are doing. Embracing negative capability. Keep


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Thanks for your valuable feedback, Nick! Glad you liked it.

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I have a conversation with a friend frequently, and he has commented in the past, something like, "if you think GPT4 is nothing special or it's just like other tools out there, you are not using this tool every day." I completely agree; it's as though I am using magic and casting spells. If people don't feel this way, it's because they're not seeing the tool for what it is.

On the flip side, anyone who thinks you can write good stuff with AI either hasn't tried to generate any content with prompts, or has VERY low standards.

This paradox means that the in-between spaces, as you point out, are the area where AI is shining today. It's an unimaginably powerful tool to help you think, but not to think for you.

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Thank you for your valuable feedback, Andrew! I wrote the following piece as a response to all the messages I’ve received across different platforms. I find myself in agreement with your friend’s perspective. While we may not fully comprehend its potential yet, I believe that we can harness what we do understand for the greater good

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Le macchine elettriche sono spazzatura

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Sono in disaccordo con l'intelligenza artificiale ! Rubano il lavoro del genere umano

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L’aspetto più positivo è che l’intelligenza artificiale creerà nuovi posti di lavoro. https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2023/09/jobs-ai-will-create/

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Dec 15, 2023Liked by Nat

Great write up, Nat. Thanks again

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